Transitions Wellness Lounge Client Policies
Sisterlocks Retightenings
Hourly Rate is $45.00 with a 3 hour minimum. Additional hours are charged based on 15 minutes into the service. (For example if we begin at 6pm and finish at 9:20pm, you will be charged for 4 hours and your fee would be $180.00)
Sisterlocks Consultations
Conducted within 60 minutes (1 hour) for $50.00.
Installation of Sisterlocks
Base rate is $1,200.00 for hair that is 5 inches or less. $50 for each additional inch over 5 inches. During consultation hair will be measured and exact quote and total number of days required for installation will be given. This is based on length of hair and circumference of head. Your quote is valid for 30 days.
Method of Payment -
Cash, Cash App or Credit Card.
Sisterlocks Retainer Fee
A Retainer Fee is required to get a Sisterlocks’ Establishment (installation) date. The deposit fee is $100 and is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Your Preparation for Sisterlocks Appointment
Hair should be washed within 2 days of appointment. If you arrive with “dirty” hair, your appointment will be canceled, and the cancellation policy will apply. If your locs are less than 1 year old; you should “wash & band” every time you wash your hair. This will reduce your slippage and the amount of time in chair for your retightening sessions.
Additional Products on Hair
Hair should not have additional oil or moisturizing products on hair. Oils impede my ability to work in the hair in a timely fashion causing tool slippage.
Health (Sickness)
To ensure the health of all and to maintain a healthy salon environment, if you are sick which includes a fever, cold like symptoms, stomach bug, flu like symptoms, etc – please reschedule. If you arrive to the appointment and you present with symptoms noted above, the appointment will be canceled, and the cancellation policy will apply.
Arriving to Appointment
Cancellation Policy
You have access to the scheduling platform (schedulicity.com) and can cancel at any time. However, please note that if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, you will be charged 100% of your service fee. This fee must be paid prior to you being able to get on the schedule in the future.
Your appointment has been reserved just for you, so please notify me via text if you are running late. If you are running late 30 minutes or more, your appointment will be canceled, and the cancellation policy will apply.
Service Environment
Transitions Wellness Lounge prides itself on its positive vibe and energy; therefore, behavior must be conducive to support this.
Transitions Wellness Lounge understands “holistic” approaches to “chilling”; while in chill state, it is expected that behavior respects the studio’s positive vibe and energy. It is also requested that smell on clothing is minimized prior to entering. Transitions Wellness Lounge reserves the right to cancel service if client is not of “clear mind” or behavior is inappropriate; full fee for scheduled time is expected.
Services to children are welcomed and parents must remain during their child’s service time. Parents should also note that if it is assessed that services cannot continue due to child’s inability to sit still; the full-service fee still applies for scheduled appointment time.
Our new normal will continue to have Positive Energy and provide Quality Services in a Safe, Sanitized, and Healthy Environment. The following guidelines have been adopted by Transitions Wellness Lounge to make sure that we do our part to curb the spread of COVID-19; Flu and general colds.
We work by Appointments only.
If feeling sick, please re-schedule. If you arrive and are presenting symptoms of having a general cold or the flu, your appointment will not occur.
You will be required to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer upon your arrival and before you sit in the chair.
We have a no outside shoe policy; please bring socks or slippers that have not been worn outside.
Wearing a mask is optional and strongly encouraged if suffering from allergies which prompt coughing/sneezing.
We will continue to sterilize and sanitize all equipment after each client.
No guest will be allowed to accompany clients to their appointments. (Besties cannot accompany you)
Everyone will be asked to text upon their arrival to ensure no other client is in the studio.
Service Category Definitions
Sisterlocks Retightening Includes: cleaning parts; actual retightening of new growth for each loc
Sisterlocks Styles Include: Pin ups, establishing curls or a combination of the two
Sisterlocks Maintenance Includes: Cut; trimming edges; trimming loose hairs on individual locs; and loc repairs.
Sisterlocks Consultations Include: Completing Assessment form; Conversation around hair needs; Consultant Observation of Client’s hair; sample locs placed in for Installation or sample retighening of one (1) row or 5 locs for Transfer Client
* Scheduling an appointment with Transitions Wellness Lounge acknowledges awareness and agreement with policies.